vendredi 18 septembre 2015

Libgdx setup configuration with Eclipse - Part 3: Android SDK Tools

Now you have to download the Android SDK Tools:

1) Super fast shortcut
If you want to download directly what you need go here:

2) Shortcut

There is a shorter path if you click on Other Download Options so you get directly to the download you need:

3) The (too) long way

- Go to the link below if you want to spend time by clicking useless links:

- Click on Installing the SDK, as we didn't need Android Studio (>1Go download... -_-') we will just download the stand alone SDK (136Mo download  yeah! \o/)

- So click on Stand alone SDK Tools:

Go to Part 4: Libgdx setup configuration with Eclipse - Part 4: Android SDK Tools

Libgdx setup configuration with Eclipse - Part 4: Android SDK Tools

- You'll get a new page of blahblahblah stand alone sdk tools only includes the sdk tools (thanks captain obvious...), click on download the SDK now ("and stop bother me with your 1Go download :D")

- Once you click on this link you'll go to a new page already focused on the bloody android studio bundle package...

Ah bastard...

 Scroll up and you'll find what you need:

- So now download the one you need and install it (again with default option it works perfectly) it will normally open the SDK Manager if not you can find it on your computer at: C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk, assuming you install the SDK Tools with default options and YourUser is your user name in Windows

Libgdx setup configuration with Eclipse - Part 1: introduction & my hardware/software configuration

Hello world,

[LAST UPDATE 19/10/2016]

Today I'll give you my configuration setup for Libgdx with Eclipse, this will update some stuff visible on the book Learning Libgdx Game Development (first edition) from PacktPub. As Libgdx and software updates regularly I'll provide you my hardware and software from the time I setup my Libgdx development environment on Eclipse. Everything here maybe not usefull, some things probably have to be modified and/or optimized...

My hardware and software configuration is:

    - Surface Pro 2 (i5-4300U CPU, 4 Go ram)
    - Windows 10
    - Mozilla Firefox v49.0.1
    - Eclipse version: Neon.1 Release (4.6.1)
      Build id: 20160913-0900
    - Java version returned from command line:
    java -version
    java version "1.8.0_92"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_92-b14)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.92-b14, mixed mode)
    - Android SDK Tools v1.16 with following API installed:
    Android 6.0 (API 23)
      Android M (API 22, MNC preview)
      Android 5.1.1 (API 22)
      Android 5.0.1 (API 21)
      Android 4.4W.2 (API 20)
      Android 4.4.2 (API 19)
      Android 2.2 (API 8)

      Android SDK Tools Rev. 24.3.4
      Android SDK Platform-tools Rev. 23.0.1
      Android SDK Build-tools Rev. 20

That's all for the hardware/software part.

Before anything it is recommended to create a folder on your computer where you'll put everything you need so that you have everything at you fingertips.

What you need:
- Eclipse (Part 2)
- JRE & JDK (Part 2)
- Configure variables (Part 2)
- Android SDK Tools (Part 3 & Part 4)
- Eventually a GitHub account if you want to share your code.

Go to Part 2: Libgdx setup configuration with Eclipse - Part 2: Eclipse, JRE, JDK and variables

Libgdx setup configuration with Eclipse - Part 2: Eclipse, JRE, JDK and variables

[LAST UPDATE 19/10/2016]

First you have to download Eclipse here, I use the Luna version as some plugins are not implemented for Eclipse Mars yet, no installation is required for Eclipse just put it where you want:

Get JRE and JDK here from the time I'm writing (19/10/2016) JRE and JDK version 8u112:


Once you get both JRE and JDK install them with default parameters.

Now you have to configure you variables, on windows:

- Right click on "This Computer" on the Windows explorer then go to properties:

- Then click on Advanced System Parameters as visible in the screenshot below:

- Then click on Environment variables as visible in the screenshot below:

- Now you have to configure two variables JAVA_HOME and PATH, click on new button on the User Variables part:
- Then fill up the form as below assuming your JDK is installed on C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60

Go to part 3: Libgdx setup configuration with Eclipse - Part 3: Android SDK Tools