mercredi 4 février 2015

Books i'm reading about Libgdx

Hello world,

Today i'll show you some books i read to learn Libgdx game development

Learning Libgdx Game Development by Andreas Oehlke is the first book i bought about Libgdx. the book is really clear to understand and allow us create a platform game step by step. The code is correctly explained and accompanied by illustrations. There is a second edition of this book i didn't read yet. The publisher Packt Publishing allow us to get the physical or digital version of the book or both, which is really nice as we sometimes cannot carry physical books for practical reason.

LibGDX Game Development Essentials by Juwal Bose is a step by step book to make a flappy bird clone game with additionnal stuff. I didn't fully read it yet but from what i saw the book explain many way how to create a Libgdx project. The quality is same to Learning Libgdx Game Development book.

Libgdx Cross-platform Game Development Cookbook by David Saltares Márquez and Alberto Cejas Sánchez contains code recipes with illustrated examples. I didn't read it yet but it looks very interesting as it covers many aspect of Libgdx and game development (2D sound system, Box2D...).

Also you can find many ressources online about Libgdx here is some usefull links: the 
official Libgdx wiki (in english) a blog with Libgdx tutorials (in french) a blog with Libgdx tutorials (in english) a blog with Libgdx tutorial (in french) Libgdx video tutorials (in english) a game developper blog with an asteroid game tutorial complete example of simple game made with Libgdx (in english) a great community of Java game developpers (in english) forum post introducing to Libgdx usefull website based on question/answer system mathematics and physics notion explained with animations free graphics to use with your game

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