vendredi 8 juillet 2016

Learning Java from zero

Hello World,

Today I want to share some nice stuff to learn Java with you.

I found a very nice mobile application available online and for Android, IOS and Windows phone, I'm actually following the Java course and I found it very well explained, I recommend it for beginners, I use it when I'm on my way to go to work, I have 4h of train transportation per day so it allow me to spend this time efficiently :)
The application is separated in concepts divided in small subjects each subject into small paragraphs, you have to complete a little quiz at the end of each paragraph and a big quiz at the end of each concepts.
You can earn some badges and get a Solo Learn certificate for each course completed.

Here is the link:

I also purchased a book: Learn Java the Hard Way from Graham Mitchell which is really good book for making a first step to learn Java, I wish I had this one when I was studying.
It didn't talk about Object Oriented Programming but it cover the basis in a way that anyone can understand it. Each subject is separated in two: lesson + excercice.
The author statement is that many development books are quite hard to read from start to end for a beginer as they are not written for real beginners, so for him to write a book about learning a language you have to get the point of view of a real beginner and focus on simple things first and learn from zero, instead of going anywere using APIs...
I personnaly strongly agree with him and confirm his approach is a very good way to learn Java from the beginning.
For your information the author is actualy writing another book about Object Oriented Programming.

Here is the link:

mercredi 6 juillet 2016

How to assign a variable with Sightly/HTL

Hello World,

I'm actually working as a Java JEE developper on Adobe Experience Manager, sometimes we build mockups to test our code using Sightly template language. As the documentation is not very clear about how to assign a variable I'll provide you a tip. To assign a variable with Sightly you have to use data-sly-test and not data-sly-use as below:

<sly data-sly-test.yourvariable="${yourvalue}"></sly>

Then you can call your variable value as below:

<textarea rows="4" cols="50" name="name">{"Myvariable":${yourvariable}</textarea>

You can also use your variable in a test:

<sly data-sly-test="${yourvalue==true}">displaysomething</sly>

I hope this can help a bit.